Blue Monster Puppet seen around Brisbane – Troggg (with three Gs)

One could be forgiven for thinking that Cookie Monster or Grover has come to visit various events around Queensland lately. From charity events like Daffodil Day, Relay For Life, Movember, and The Brisbane Zombie Walk, to childcare centres, festivals, birthday parties and comedy shows in theatres - particularly his own "Thank Troggg You're Here" production!

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Blue Monster PuppetBlue Monster Puppet

So who is this big blue monster puppet getting around? Well, his name is “Troggg”, spelt with three Gs (the middle G is silent).

A creation of Brett Hansen, puppeteer and CEO of Brisbane-based entertainment company, “Larrikin Puppets”, Troggg is the main star of a cast of fuzzy puppet friends who have been bringing joy to people of all ages around Queensland at events big and small.

Blue Monster PuppetTroggg has not only appeared on stage (performing puppet shows and MC duties) at various events and parties, but also as a wandering, roving character, meeting with children and adults, and posing for photos with them. You may have seen Troggg pop up in your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram feed now and again, smiling in “selfies” with your friends. He’s even appeared on community TV station 31 Digital (formerly Briz 31), a short film (Heart of a Thousand Souls) and on the front cover of MX Newspaper!

The character was designed by Brett Hansen, but constructed in the USA by a puppet builder named Mike Lisa from Creature Clones, who has previously worked on Sesame Street and other Muppet productions. So, while most Larrikin Puppets characters are inspired by the look and feel of Jim Henson’s Muppet creations, Troggg is about as close to a genuine Muppet as we’re likely to see here in Brisbane, Australia.

Blue Monster Puppet

We like to bring the same kind of puppet joy and magic to Queensland residents and festival goers that folks in New York and Los Angeles take for granted. Troggg is fast becoming a local celebrity, much like puppet megastar Agro was in the 1980s and 1990s.

“Agro is actually a hero of mine!”, says Troggg.

Regular updates on Troggg can be found online at:
The Larrikin Puppets Facebook page –
Troggg’s own Facebook page –
The Larrikin Puppets Twitter account –
Troggg’s own Twitter account –

And, of course, the hashtag #Troggg, which you can enter into the search bars on photo and video sharing apps Instagram and Vine, revealing footage and images of all of Troggg’s adventures.

Blue Monster Puppet
Troggg performing, MCing and posing at the 2014 Brisbane Zombie Walk event.

Enquire now about booking Troggg for puppet shows, roving appearances, or as a colourful and unique event MC/host.