Our zany and always crowd pleasing comedy-variety puppet show might appear to simply be a pop-up theatre full of crazy songs, silly jokes and rollicking laughs. However, hidden in its seemingly wacky exterior are oodles of child development and learning experiences. This is our main and most popular puppet show – which won ‘Best Kids Live Show’ at our national industry awards, the 2021 What’s On 4 Kids Awards.
More Than A Zany Puppet Show: Child Development & Learning Experiences – DOWNLOAD FOR PRINT
Talk: Our puppets talk to each other and to the audience regularly throughout the show, giving children the opportunity to practise, observe and communicate effectively. New words, phrases and expressions will be more meaningful as the puppets are often visually acting out the scene. What a fun way to develop vocabulary!
Play: Up to 90% of a child’s brain development happens in the first 5 years and play is a vital part of that. Our Puppet Shows are chock-full of creative play! Play is essential to development because it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional well-being of children.
Sing: The puppets love to sing no matter how good or bad they are at it. Singing is a fun and fantastic way for children to hear sounds and learn new words. Our Puppet Show does this in a fun and interactive way so as to contribute to later literacy abilities. Rhyming in songs provides exercise for the brain and develops valuable memory skills while dancing and moving to music helps children develop better motor skills.
Music: We use music throughout our show – a combination of original and popular songs. Exposure to music from early childhood onwards helps children to speak more clearly, develop a larger vocabulary, and strengthen social and emotional skills. Music has the ability to strengthen the connection between the body and brain to work together as a team.
Dance: Our puppets love to dance and invite the audience to join in with a few fun dance numbers. Dancing to music helps children learn what their bodies can do, developing movement control, coordination, spacial awareness and strength. It also uses different muscles to standing and walking. Dance also teaches children how to interact with other people and the world around them.
Interact: Ours isn’t a quiet show, so no shushing is required. We encourage our audiences to interact – sing, dance and play along. In a fun and safe environment like an interactive puppet theatre, children can access unfamiliar emotions, learn greater tolerance and improve their ability to read the emotions of others.
Family Bond: To help enhance social bonds and provide a useful role in helping children develop emotional intelligence, our Puppet Show is best enjoyed by children together with adults. There is enormous value for parents, grandparents, carers and teachers to role-model how to watch a theatre show. Sometimes it’s the first puppet show a child has ever seen! They tend to get very excited, so it’s important to support them to learn how to interact with a live theatre performance.
According to research by University College London, when people behave similarly, they perceive each other as more alike, which in turn creates a sense of connection or attachment.
We also layer our shows with jokes for grown ups, so don’t be surprised if you enjoy the show as much as the kids!
Cost: For prices, visit our Rate Cards.