Info Packs

Larrikin Puppets - Puppet Show - Workshop - Information Packs
Larrikin Puppets - Puppet Show - Workshop - Information Packs

At Larrikin Puppets we pride ourselves in making quality children’s entertainment, puppet shows and puppetry workshops accessible to as many different types of audiences as possible.

To make it as easy as possible for our clients to choose a show or workshop option, please find below our info packs to download and print or just view.

Shopping Centre Info Pack

Kids Comedy Puppet Show
Download the Puppet Show Info Pack

Puppet Play Zone
Featuring a Kids Comedy Puppet Show. Sock Puppet Craft Workshop. Puppetry Performance Workshop
Download the Puppet Play Zone Info Pack

Musical Christmas Puppet Show
Download the Christmas Puppet Show Info Pack
Refer to the Puppet Show Info Pack for details and rates

Christmas Puppet Play Zone
Featuring a Musical Christmas Puppet Show, Christmas Sock Puppet Craft Workshop. Finger Puppet Craft Workshop
Download the Christmas Puppet Play Zone Info Pack
Refer to the Puppet Play Zone Info Pack for details and rates

Primary School Incursions Info Pack

Years F-6 Curriculum Aligned for The Arts, Design and Technology, Humanities and Social Science, Health and Physical Education, Sustainability, Intercultural Understanding.
Download the Larrikin Puppets Primary School Info Pack.

High School Incursions Info Pack

Years 7-12 Curriculum Aligned for Secondary School Drama, Media Arts, Visual Arts.
Download the Larrikin Puppets High School Incursions Info Pack.

Higher Education Info Pack

Guest Lectures and Masterclasses for Universities, TAFEs and Colleges in the areas of Drama, Theatre, Acting, Film & Television, Screen Production, Video Production, New Media.
Download the Larrikin Puppets Higher Education Guest Lecture Info Pack.

Ideas include:

  • Larrikin Puppets Award-winning Puppet Show
  • Puppetry Performance Workshops
  • Monitor Puppetry For Film & TV Workshops
  • Storytime Puppet Shows
  • Themed Pop Up Puppet Shows (e.g. Book Week, Kindness & Anti-Bullying, Health & Wellbeing, Sea Life Discovery, Christmas, Australia, Halloween).
  • Themed Puppet Stage Shows (Social Science, Environmental Sustainability, Cultural Diversity)
  • Sock Puppet Making Craft Workshops

If you are after our film, television, video and online puppetry performances options, please contact us directly to discuss your project.

If you are not in a position to fund a puppet show, we encourage you to check out our Puppet Shows For Good opportunity. Alternatively, some of our clients have found success applying for RADF grants, local community grants, First 5 Forever grants and NDIS funding.

How much does a puppet show cost? Check out our Rate Cards.