Event Entertainment & Gig Calendar

Here you'll find our Gig Calendar - a list of all upcoming and past performances. You'll also find event entertainment ideas for those special celebrations, days and events we love sharing with you. Think Christmas, New Year's Eve, Weddings, Book Week, Harmony Day, World Puppetry Day. Our puppets have got your special event covered. Let's chat soon!

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Event Entertainment & Gig Calendar - Christmas Entertainment

Wondering if Larrikin Puppets is available to perform at your special event or occasion? Check out our Gig Calendar! It lists all upcoming and past events – both private and public.

We regularly perform for a variety of Special Celebrations and Special Days, so be sure to contact us for event entertainment that will give your audience a theatre experience to remember. Check out our performance offerings below for ideas and info.

Special Celebrations

New Year’s Eve

Special Days

Australia Day
Book Week
World Puppetry Day
Harmony Day
World Oceans Day
World Environment Day
Earth Day
World Health Day
International Literacy Day
International Day Of Persons With Disabilities
World Autism Awareness Day
National Day Of Action Against Bullying And Violence
National Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day

Event Entertainment & Gig Calendar - Halloween