Larrikin Puppets Debut EP

Larrikin Puppets - Alternative Kids Music Australia
Larrikin Puppets - Alternative Australian Kids Music

Larrikin Puppets’ Debut Music EP for kids aged 3-9 is available to listen to and download.

Breaking new ground in electronic pop music, the songs feature simple lyrics with contemporary music that doesn’t talk down to kids.

This cool EP of alternative Australian kids music, featuring four fun songs, is available on over 150 different streaming services including Spotify, YouTube, iTunes, Google Play and even Tiktok.

A music video for Dance Like A Unicorn is available to watch on YouTube, and you can also learn the steps.

Listen On Spotify - Cool Kids Music Australia
Listen on Apple iTunes - Cool Alternative Kids Music Australia

Dance Like A Unicorn

Dance Like A Unicorn - Electronic Dance Music For Kids

Stream or download Dance Like A Unicorn now on Spotify, iTunes or Bandcamp, or your preferred streaming service.

Red monster puppet Scrambles doesn’t want to be a monster anymore. He wants to be a unicorn instead. Blue monster puppet Marina tells Scrambles that, although everyone loves him just the way he is, it’s OK to sometimes pretend to be a unicorn. In the spirit of making sure everyone’s included in play, Scrambles encourages all of us to dance like a unicorn!

Learn the steps and dance along at our live performances or online shows. Or wherever your heart desires!

Dance Like A Unicorn has been played on ABC Kids Listen Dance Party and Little Rockers Radio.

I Know All The Things

I Know All The Things - Electronic Dance Music For Kids - Alternative Australian Kids Music

Stream or download I Know All The Things now on Spotify, iTunes or Bandcamp, or your favourite streaming service.

Young Monster Marina, aged 3, thinks she knows all the things. Big Blue Monster Troggg quizzes her knowledge of numbers, colours, letters and animals. This is a cheeky, fun song for kids that will get them singing, laughing and thinking.

You Can Be Kind

You Can Be Kind - Kindness Songs For Kids

Stream or download I Know All The Things now on Spotify, iTunes or Bandcamp.

Monster friends Troggg and Marina sing about the importance of being kind to each other – and how the world will be much better if you’re kind.

Down The Device

Down The Device - Electronic Music For Kids - Alternative Children's Songs

Stream or download Down The Device now on Spotify, iTunes or Bandcamp.

Our monsters love being on their tablets, smartphones, computers, TV screens and game consoles. Sometimes it’s tricky to get them to do other fun things. Troggg encourages all of his friends to put down their devices and play, eat, dress, read and go go go!

He uses simple and mindful moves that kids and their carers can do together to divert attention away from the screen – clap, stand, jump and hi five. Great for families, childcare centres and vacation care.

Also available on your favourite streaming service, examples below!

Larrikin Puppets Kids Songs - Alternative Kids Music Australia - Electronic Pop For Kids